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Edge of the North Sea
A solo exhibition by Jennifer Modigliani

March 7 - 31, 2019

Opening: Thursday, March 7, 6-8pm

Artist talk: Sunday, March 17, 2pm

Open to the public • Free to attend

The Shetlands are over a 100 islands (16 inhabited) off the north east coast of Scotland on the northern edge of the North Sea. Half way to Norway and the Faroe Islands they have a climate mediated by theGulf Stream, endless never ending wind, and not a single tree. (although there are now newly planted trees in gardens.)

These images will give the viewer a sense of the “edginess” and solitude of living life past and present in this place.





Ten Years of Bat Shit Crazy


A guest exhibition by Steve Richard
April 2019


The show will feature Steve’s favorite images from his last three books – Cloud Busting, Obscuro and Aerial. For ten years these three projects have involved the development of techniques and processes that go far beyond what would be considered normal. Where most people end with the creation of an image is usually where Steve begins and many have made the observation that the dedication and commitment of not only the artist but also the subjects for these projects can only be described as “bat shit crazy”.

The Captive Rain Forest

A member exhibition by Ford Doolittle
May 2019






In March I attended a meeting held in Biosphere 2, Arizona. Now the site is a research facility and tourist destination, and its rain forest biome looks very much like it is trying to escape from the enclosing glass. I took many pictures of leaves desperately plastered against the windows and will show some of them.

NSCC Graduation Show

June 2019

Kathleen Flanagan & Roxanne Smith

July 2019

Angela Creaser

August 2019

New Light 2019



A group member's exhibition

October 2019


A solo exhibition by Allan Neilsen

November 2019

Annual Holiday Show

A member's group exhibition

December 2019

Open Print Review
Saturday, April 6th, 2019
10 am - 12 pm

Open to the public • Free to attend • An excellent way to strengthen your photography!

Open Print Reviews are open to photographers at any skill level. Bring your prints for a group review where passionate photographers will discuss your work with you, and provide feedback. Prints of approximately 8.5" x 11" or larger are recommended, but not necessary.


Third Thursday Series
Doug van Hemessen

Thursday, April 18, 2019, 7pm

Open to the public • Free to attend • An excellent way to strengthen your photography!

Doug will discus the evolution of his photographic practice through an ageing eye and technological change.  What's been lost? What's been gained?  What's next?  Does any of it matter?

Slamp_Tiny Planets.jpg

ViewPoint Gallery International Photography Competition 2018

March 2019

Tiny Planets by Sophie Slamp, USA

Artist's Biography
Sophie Slamp is from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Over the past four years, she has studied Photography at Northern Michigan University. Her photographic interest includes landscapes, food, portraits and anything that strikes her imagination.   

​Artist's Statement

While traveling I have been inspired to photograph panoramas from which I created this image titled Tiny Planets. Being influenced by the work of Rudy Malmquist, his approach encouraged me to try a new technique. Captured with my Canon 60D, 17mm lens I was able to warp the original panorama into a planet like Earth through Adobe Photoshop. It allows the viewer to visualize landscape photography from a different point of view. In the future, Tiny Planets will be a continuing series, showcasing the different locations I have traveled.

ViewPoint Gallery

1475 Bedford Highway Unit 109

Bedford, NS

B4A 3Z5


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