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PLUS ONE Members and Guests Group Show


 August 1 - September 2, 2024

Opening reception: August 1, 6-8 pm

Artist Talk: Sunday, August 11, 2-3pm

Events open to all.

What happens when members of ViewPoint Gallery invite other photographers whose work they admire to collaborate on an exhibition?

One of the largest gathering of photographers the Gallery has ever hosted: 28 artists exhibiting 60 works in genres ranging from landscape to street, abstract to documentary, wildlife, nature and more.


We’ve always endeavored to make ViewPoint Gallery a destination where photographers come to learn, to practice the art of printing, and exhibit. 


We are a self-owned and operated gallery, founded in July 2000 - the only artist-run-cooperative in the Maritimes dedicated to photography.  Until last year, the only path to exhibiting was to be a member of the Gallery or by submitting a proposal to mount an entire exhibition.

We wanted to make it easier. We wanted to share the wealth and provide more photographers the opportunity to enjoy exhibiting and share their work at ViewPoint without having to apply for membership.  To that end, a year ago we started the “Fresh Eyes” program, a monthly wall featuring guest artists

selected by our exhibition committee.


With “Plus One” we wanted to do the same but do it bigger – have our members invite whomever they wished to share the walls with and then devote the entire gallery to this exhibition.


The resulting collaborations are on view until September 1.

ViewPoint Gallery

1475 Bedford Highway Unit 109

Bedford, NS

B4A 3Z5


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