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Always be ready with a camera, because you never know when you will suddenly be faced with that which evokes emotion or inspires awe in you.  

Currently, I have a strong preference for straightforward, graphic portraiture whether it be a person, animal or inanimate object and generally with elements of bold color.  Hopefully through my photographs I’ll make people smile, capture fleeting dramatic moments, or inspire wonder but ultimately satisfy my own nagging need to explore the world and to document that journey. 


Nikon DSLR D-610 with a preference to be quickly ready for most anything with a zoom lens (18-200). Editing done in Lightroom and Photoshop.


Born in Ottawa and have lived in Vancouver, Windsor (Ontario), Moncton and now a longtime Haligonian.  Studied biology and biochemistry at Dalhousie University and the University of Ottawa.  Worked in the field of conservation and renewable energy with the federal government before leaving to raise a growing family.


Cursed with more interests than I can keep up with, I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades and master of none.  In one of those “aha!” moments, I realized my lifelong interest in taking, manipulating, and treasuring my photos pointed me towards the perfect tool to bounce from one subject area to another.  In order to develop beyond the skill set of a dedicated dabbler I set 2010 as my personal Year of Photography.  Armed with new equipment I built upon past learning with more courses, at NSCAD and with Eric Boutilier-Brown.  With greater intent and more focused practice I continue to enjoy the journey towards some level of mastery.   I am a freelance writer, which also provides an outlet for my photography and a member of the Travel Media Association of Canada.  My passion for travel fuels my love affair with photography.

My photography has appeared in: Photolife, Trailer Life, Soar Halifax, Porthole Cruise Magazine, The Chronicle Herald, Southender Magazine, and Bedford Magazine.

ViewPoint Gallery

1475 Bedford Highway Unit 109

Bedford, NS

B4A 3Z5


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